The North Santiam Watershed Council acts together with landowners and partners to restore habitat important to fish and wildlife

Our Mission

To pro­vid­e oppor­tu­ni­ties for stake­hold­ers to coop­er­ate in pro­mot­ing and sus­tain­ing
the health of the water­shed and its communities.

Current Projects

Cold Creek

Cold Creek, also known as Logan Slough, is a small, year round trib­u­tary to the North San­ti­am Riv­er in Mar­i­on County.

Dieckman Slough

Dieck­man Slough is a side chan­nel of the Low­er North San­ti­am Riv­er, just down­stream of the City of Stay­ton, in Mar­i­on County

Hatch Side Channel

The Coun­cil replaced an under­sized cul­vert with a larg­er cul­vert open­ing up the chan­nel to year round water flows.

Snake-DeFord Creek

The North San­ti­am Water­shed Coun­cil has been work­ing with landown­ers in the Snake-Deford Creek Sub-basin since 2008.

Bear Branch

Bear Branch Creek is an impor­tant trib­u­tary of the North San­ti­am Riv­er, enter­ing the main­stem just below the town of Stayton.

Valentine Creek

Since 2009, four landown­ers have part­nered with the Coun­cil to restore approx­i­mate­ly 19 acres of native veg­e­ta­tion on Valen­tine Creek.

Latest News

Coun­cil projects, news and publications

Check Out Our 2022-2023 Annual Report!

We are pleased to share our 2022-2023 Annual Report! This report highlights our watershed restoration efforts which include improving water quality, stabilizing streambanks over 30 acres within the Beachie Creek[…]

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More Beavers Means Less Damages from Wildfires

Article By Lauren ZatkosWe are living with wildfire threat in the Santiam Basin, and throughout Oregon, every summer. People are working hard to repair the devastation caused by the 2020[…]

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NOAA Funding Announcement – May 22nd, 2024

Press Release: NOAA Fish Passage 2024 Recommendations for Funding! NOAA announces the recommendation of $8.7 million in funding to restore fish passage in the Mid-Willamette   The Calapooia, Luckiamute, Marys[…]

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Contact us

Please feel wel­come to get in touch with any ques­tions or com­ments you have!