Bear Branch Habitat Restoration Project
Restoration and conservation efforts along the Bear Branch tributary to the North Santiam River are part of a larger regional initiative to improve watershed health.
Watershed Quick Facts
1. How large is the area of land that drains into Bear Branch Creek?
13 square miles
2. How long is Bear Branch Creek?
10 miles
3. What is the range of elevation of Bear Branch Creek?
4. How is land in the Bear Branch Creek Watershed Used?
The land area surround Bear Branch Creek is used by a variety of diverse water users, including rangeland and cropland agriculture, rural residential landowners, forestry, and urban landowners.
What kinds of fish use Bear Branch Creek?
Over the last ten years, fish surveys conducted by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife have shown the presence of a number of different species, including cutthroat trout, summer steelhead, dace, redside shiner, peamouth, sculpin, brook lamprey, northern pikeminnow, and three-spine stickleback. These studies also indicated that Bear Branch Creek offers valuable habitat for native fish, including Upper Willamette winter steelhead. Bear Branch Creek has 3.6 stream miles of potential rearing/migration habitat for spring Chinook and 3.9 stream miles of potential rearing/migration habitat for winter steelhead.