Interested in Joining Our Board?

CURRENT OPENING: At-Large Positions for Board of Directors, North Santiam Watershed Council
The North Santiam Watershed Council (NSWC) Board of Directors is currently seeking potential future volunteer Board members.
NSWC Mission
Providing opportunities for stakeholders to cooperate in promoting and sustaining the health of the North Santiam watershed and its communities.
The North Santiam Watershed Council is a non-governmental, non-advocacy and community-based volunteer organization within membership open to all. If you are interested in the ecological and economic health of our community, the North Santiam River, its tributaries, and the surrounding land within its watershed, we encourage you to reach out and get to know us!
Information on Board of Directors and Board position:
The NSWC Board of Directors represent the diverse interests and perspectives found throughout our geographic area – this includes local landowners, land managers, business owners, recreation enthusiasts, and natural resource experts. We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion as a Council, and welcome all to consider becoming general volunteer members. The Council intends its Board of Directors (the governing body of the nonprofit) to include a diverse range of geographic areas, backgrounds, expertise and community interests in order to engage a balance of interested and affected persons within the watershed as required by ORS 541.910(2). Together, the Council directs the strategic vision of our programs for the benefit of our local communities.
Per our charter, we seek additional Board representation from the following stakeholder interests:
- Economic (timber, agriculture, aggregate, recreation and tourism or other business)
- Natural Resources
- Cities in the watershed
- Linn County and Marion County (citizen at large, appointed by County Commissioners)
- North Santiam Middle & Upper Sub-basin
- Education
Previous Board service is not required, but experience with or knowledge of any and/or all components of non-profit organization management is a plus. Current Board committees include executive, governance, and finance, but will value additional experiences you may provide!
We are also planning to create committees for community engagement, fundraising and education. Therefore, we are specifically seeking individuals with experience, expertise or an interest in these areas.
Effective board members are team-players — willing and able to work well with a diverse group of individuals and interests towards the mission, goals, and strategic plan of the organization. Board members are elected to serve three-year terms and are expected to attend monthly meetings, participate on an organizational committee, and attend periodic Council-sponsored community events as available. These meetings tend to be around 2 hours long, and in the evening.
All members of the North Santiam Watershed Council must live in or derive economic benefit from the watershed and demonstrate commitment to the geographic and/or natural resource interests of the sub-basin they represent.
The Board of Directors establishes the corporation’s policies and reviews and changes them as necessary, oversee its programs, appoint or employ and supervise its staff, authorize its expenditures, oversee its financial affairs, and ensure the proper management and use of its assets and property.
The Board of Directors also ensures the non-profit corporation properly employs the necessary corporate formalities to make its decisions, that it prepares and submits all required state and federal reports, and that it operates in compliance with relevant state and federal laws.
How to Become a Board Member:
Nominees for positions on the Board of Directors must have exhibited an interest in and commitment to the purposes of North Santiam Watershed Council. Nominees must have expertise in areas relevant to the needs of the organization. Nominees for a Board position must have attended at least three consecutive monthly Board meetings, which are held the third Tuesday of the month, and are currently scheduled using Zoom. The Board will transition to in-person meetings, with possible hybrid options, in 2024. Special meetings may be scheduled to accelerate the process with the purpose of growing the Board.
For consideration, complete the form here or email and we will coordinate a brief telephone and/or Zoom interview conversation with you and the members of the NSWC Governance Committee. Candidates will be reviewed on an ongoing basis for currently vacant positions.
We look forward to answering any questions you may have.