Grants of up to $10,000 Available for Habitat Restoration Projects

Whether you’re a local landowner or part of a citizens’ group, the North Santiam Watershed Council can act on your behalf and work with the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) to get funding and support for your on-the-ground habitat restoration project. How much support? Well, if your conservation project is to protect, restore or improve clean water or fish and wildlife habitat on your land or in your community, the OWEB Small Grant Program can provide up to $10,000 of support. That’s a fair chunk of change.
So you can make a difference right here in the North Santiam Canyon. The funding has been used for conservation projects that might range from planting native plants along streamsides to reducing sedimentation and erosion from upland farms. What’s really cool is these projects aren’t just feel-good projects, although you will feel good about yourself, they actually will change how you enjoy your property and many of them can bump up the value of your property.
Program Details
- The Small Grant Program responds to a need for local watershed restoration opportunities on a shorter time frame (less than two months) than is available under OWEB’s regular grant program.
- A Small Grant applicant must be a tribe, watershed council, or soil and water conservation district. These entities then act on your behalf.
- Small Grants are intended to support projects that contribute to the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds and the Oregon Conservation Strategy.
- The project must be an on-the-ground restoration project that benefits aquatic species, wildlife, or watershed health.
- Before OWEB disburses grant funds, they’ll expect to see matching funds of at least 25 percent of the total OWEB award. (The North Santiam Watershed Council can help there too!)
The OWEB Small Grant Program is one of the many sources available to help pay for the habitat improvement projects you might take on with the help of the North Santiam Watershed Council. In fact, our council members, project coordinators and really everyone are delighted whenever we get a chance to help folks just like you make a difference with a conservation project.
So don’t be shy, even if you only think you’d be interested (even just a little) click here to let us know you’d like some more information, a bit of advice or your ready to get started! We’re happy to help.
If it’s more convenient, give us a call at 503-930-8202.