North Santiam Watershed Council Hires New Coordinator

Rebecca McCoun Travers
Rebecca McCoun-Travers is the new North Santiam Watershed Council Coordinator. Rebecca grew up in Portland, Oregon and has been interested in watershed scale natural resource management since graduating from high school. She has volunteered and worked on projects with the Johnson Creek Watershed Council, Yamhill Basin Council, Clackamas River Basin Council and was a representative for the Grand Ronde Tribe on the Luckiamute Watershed Council.
Rebecca graduated from Portland State University in 2000 with a bachelor degree in Environmental Science with a Biology Minor. She recently completed her Wetland Delineation Certificate through Portland State Environmental Professional Program. She has experience working as a field technician for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, US Forest Service Sandpoint Ranger District and for the Washington County Watermaster.
Prior to coming to the council Rebecca worked as a staff Biologist for the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde’s Natural Resource Division.
Rebecca lives in Dallas, Oregon with her husband and two sons. She enjoys kayaking, hiking, gardening and spending time exploring the Northwest.