ODFW Fish Migration Report for June 28, 2012
River flows rates are excellent right now, currently around 2,500 cfs at Mehama on the North Fork. Large numbers of fish are moving into the North Santiam River.
The number of summer steelhead passing above Willamette Falls on the Willamette stood at 19,132, on June 19. Based on video monitoring at Bennett dam near Stayton, several hundred summer steelhead as well as spring chinook have moved into the upper Santiam river system. But the majority of fish are still below Stayton on the North Santiam.
Spring chinook hatchery brood collection has started at Upper Bennett dam and will continue until the end of June, but many fish including all summer steelhead are being passed above to continue their migration upriver.
River levels best for fishing are below 3,000 cfs at the Mehama gauge. Check for current North Santiam River Flow Conditions.