OWEB is holding a Council Support Listening Session in Salem

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) is holding Council Support Listening Sessions around the state to hear stakeholder ideas for how to achieve the future vision for council capacity. OWEB has posted materials for the Listening Sessions as well as OWEB’s ideas for process and policy changes on their website.
The Listening Sessions is scheduled for:
- Tuesday, December 4, 1-4pm, Salem – Oregon Department of Forestry Building C, Tillamook Room (directions). This will also be a webinar.
- Webinar Details
- The URL for the webinar will be posted on our website and sent in an email by next week.
- If you can watch a YouTube video on your computer, you have everything you need to participate.
- Webinar attendees should note that you will be watching/listening to the session with little interactivity with the facilitators. You will be able to respond to questions and provide input (which will be incorporated into the final report) via a moderated “chat” area.
With limited time, the Listening Sessions will not focus on implementation details, but will explore conceptual ideas, including your ideas, about potential changes to council support grant areas and working at a whole watershed scale in order to support the future vision for council capacity. To help you think about possible solutions and meeting the future vision, OWEB has developed some questions to think about [pdf].
These questions will be discussed at small groups during the Listening Sessions.
Short summaries of the first four listening sessions, held in Regions 1 [pdf ], 2 [pdf ], 5 [pdf], and 6 [pdf] are available.
A detailed report, including all listening sessions notes and survey monkey feedback, will be available in January 2013. These brief reports are meant to facilitate communication and idea sharing between regions during the listening session process.