Valentine Creek Habitat Restoration Project
Restoration and conservation efforts along the Valentine Creek tributary to the North Santiam River are part of a larger regional initiative to improve watershed health.
Valentine Creek Fast Facts
Area: 21.8 square miles
Stream Miles: 5.3 miles
Elevation (ft): 479-2562
Land Use: Forested- 36.8%, Agriculture- 18.3%, Urban- 4.3%, Rural/Non-Forest- 32.2%
Fish Habitat Type & Stream Miles
Chinook- 1.9 miles Rearing/Migration
Steelhead-1.2 miles Rearing/Migration
Fish Passage Barriers: 5 known barriers
Shading: Mostly low; with some moderate and high (less than 5%)
LWD Recruitment (0-50 feet): 88% Low
Total Wetlands Acres: 2044 acres- palustrine forested and scrub/shrub (likely others too)
Other Conditions: Several residents located in close proximity to stream