Category: Council News

Departmant of Fish and Wildlife Commission Discuss Governor’s Proposal to Restrict Gillnetting

Oregon’s Fish and Wildlife Commission will discuss Governor John Kitzhaber’s new proposal to limit Columbia River gill netters on August 14th at 2 p.m.  No public comments will be taken, but ODFW has a live audio stream so you can listen over the Web.

North Santiam Watershed Council

ODFW Fish Migration Report July 25, 2012

  Based on video monitoring at Bennett dam near Stayton, approximately 3,000 summer steelhead and 3,000 spring chinook have moved into the North Santiam River system. Spring chinook hatchery brood collection has started at Upper Bennett dam and will continue through the end of July. Many fish including all summer steelhead, are being passed above…
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Grants of up to $10,000 Available for Habitat Restoration Projects

Whether you’re a local landowner or part of a citizens’ group, the North Santiam Watershed Council can act on your behalf and work with the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) to get funding and support for your on-the-ground habitat restoration project.  How much support?  Well, if your conservation project is to protect, restore or improve…
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Regional Landowner Recruitment Services, Request for Qualifications

The North Santiam Watershed Council, in partnership with South Santiam and Calapooia Watershed Councils, is soliciting qualifications for a Regional Landowner Recruitment Services Contract.  The purpose of the Regional Landowner Recruitment Services Contract is to implement the strategic goals and objectives of the Watershed Councils and Meyer Memorial Trust’s (MMT) Willamette Model Watershed Program in…
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ODFW Fish Migration Report for June 28, 2012

River flows rates are excellent right now, currently around 2,500 cfs at Mehama on the North Fork. Large numbers of fish are moving into the North Santiam River. The number of summer steelhead passing above Willamette Falls on the Willamette stood at 19,132, on June 19. Based on video monitoring at Bennett dam near Stayton,…
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ODFW Recreation Report June 8, 2012

Fish are moving into the Willamette River at the moment. ODFW reported the number of winter and summer steelhead passing above Willamette Falls at 7,556 and 11,261 respectively, as of May 29. Based on their video monitoring at Bennett dam near Stayton, several hundred summer steelhead have moved into the North Santiam River. Spring chinook…
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Free Fishing Weekend June 9th and 10th

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife announced this weekend is Free Fishing Weekend in Oregon, and many ponds, lakes and streams have been stocked in anticipation of this event. Fishing licenses and tags are not required for anybody who wants to fish Saturday and Sunday June 9-10. Large numbers of summer steelhead are moving…
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June 14th, 2012 Council Meeting

The North Santiam Watershed Council meets on the second Thursday of every month.  Meetings begin at 7:00 pm and usually last about an hour and a half or so. This Thursday’s Agenda includes: council business by-laws review, outreach strategy/marketing organizational review (e.g. how organization operates day-to-day). All Council meetings are open to anyone with an…
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Soil and Water Conservation District Native Plant Sale

When you add native plants to your landscape it really enhances the habitat for wildlife, birds and beneficial insect like bees.  And native plants have so many other advantages: Once established they require minimal or no water. They don’t need fertilizers and They’re naturally resistant to local pests, so pesticides. And you can plant them…
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