Category: Blog

Green Fire: Award Winning Movie at February Meeting

The North Santiam Watershed Council will be screening Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time A full-length documentary film about legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold highlights Leopold’s extraordinary career, tracing how he has shaped and influenced the thinking of wildlife and land managers to this day. The award winning movie has inspired…
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Controlling Weeds Along the North Santiam River

Controlling weeds along the North Santiam River is an important way to help keep our watershed clean and healthy. That’s why the North Santiam Watershed Council, a local non-governmental group of volunteers, will reach out again in the Spring of 2013 to help landowners with treatment assistance and/or technical advice on weed control control options. And…
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North Santiam Watershed Council

Fishing Update for the North Santiam River

Based on video monitoring (through mid-November) at Upper and Lower Bennett dams near Stayton, approximately 5,200 summer steelhead moved into the upper North Santiam this season. That’s about 20 percent of the nearly 25,000 summer steelhead that passed the Willamette Falls this.  year Coho season on the North Santiam from Stayton up to Big Cliff…
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Within Our Reach Conference

Liz Redon, Council Coordinator, and Brice Crayne, Landowner Partnership Coordinator, represented the North Santiam Watershed Council at Within Our Reach, a gathering of funders, river restoration professionals, landowners, public agencies, and scientists all focused on the future of the Willamette River and its tributaries. Although the two day conference focused on academic research and the…
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Oregon’s Sturgeon Bag Limit Reduced to One Fish

Under new rules adopted by the Fish and Wildlife Commission, Oregon’s sturgeon bag limit will be reduced to one fish per year beginning in 2013. The new rule covers all Oregon waters including the North Santiam, all other inland rivers, bays and estuaries.  The ruling supersedes a two fish annual bag limit set last September as…
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2013 Winter Steelhead Guide and Fishing Regulations

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife updated the sport fishing regulations and Winter Steelhead Guide for 2013  today. 2013 Sport Fishing Regulations The  Willamette Zone Sport Fishing Regulations for 2013 on the ODFW website do not appear to have changed.  Printed versions should be available at ODFW offices and from license sales agents by…
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North Santiam Watershed Council completes annual evaluation

The Steering Committee of the North Santiam Watershed Council will meet on Thursday December 13th, 2012 to finish their annual self-evaluation. North Santiam Watershed Council meetings are held at the Stayton Community Center at 400 West Virginia Street, Stayton, OR on the second Thursday of every month except July and August. Meetings begin at 7:00…
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OWEB is holding a Council Support Listening Session in Salem

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) is holding Council Support Listening Sessions around the state to hear stakeholder ideas for how to achieve the future vision for council capacity. OWEB has posted materials for the Listening Sessions as well as OWEB’s ideas for process and policy changes on their website. The Listening Sessions is scheduled for:…
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Willamette River Restoration Efforts win 2012 Thiess International Riverprize

The Willamette River has won the Thiess International Riverprize, an annual award given by the International River Foundation based in Brisbane, Australia. Riverprize recognizes outstanding, visionary and sustainable programs in river basin management and is the most prestigious environmental prize in the world. Meyer Memorial Trust entered the competition on behalf of the many groups…
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Developing a Forest Stewardship Process in the Watershed: First Steps

Liz Redon from the North Santiam Watershed Council and US Forest Service staff from the Willamette National Forest spent the day last Friday, September 7th, with specially selected forest products industry experts to help develop a new small diameter timber and special forest products stewardship program. The purpose of the work group was to explore…
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Departmant of Fish and Wildlife Commission Discuss Governor’s Proposal to Restrict Gillnetting

Oregon’s Fish and Wildlife Commission will discuss Governor John Kitzhaber’s new proposal to limit Columbia River gill netters on August 14th at 2 p.m.  No public comments will be taken, but ODFW has a live audio stream so you can listen over the Web.

North Santiam Watershed Council

ODFW Fish Migration Report July 25, 2012

  Based on video monitoring at Bennett dam near Stayton, approximately 3,000 summer steelhead and 3,000 spring chinook have moved into the North Santiam River system. Spring chinook hatchery brood collection has started at Upper Bennett dam and will continue through the end of July. Many fish including all summer steelhead, are being passed above…
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