Soil Health Workshop

PLEASE JOIN US!!! A growing number of America’s farmers are using soil health management systems to improve the health and function of their soil—and we’re working hand-in-hand to provide technical assistance programs and services to help ensure soil health and its associated benefits!
Yamhill, Marion and Polk County SWCDs will be hosting the event at the
Chemeketa Eola Viticulture Center on July 9, 2014.
Speakers will include NRCS’s Cory Owens, Nick Andrews from OSU Extension and Doctor James Cassidy from Oregon State University. Cory will discuss the principles of soil health, integrating current principles into viable practices as well as how soil microbiology affects crop production. Nick Andrews is a Small Farms Extension agent and has been working for some time on a cover crop calculator, a system used to determine what levels of savings various practices could have on your fields. Dr. Cassidy is a Senior Instructor at Oregon State focusing on soil education, organic production and leads the Organic Growers Club at OSU.
Please call/email Marc Bell at 503-623-9680 ext. 103 Space will be limited, and refreshments provided. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!