NSWC Request for Proposals

The North Santiam Watershed Council is seeking proposals for the Snake Creek Large Wood Placement Project.
A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on-site on Wednesday, August 13th at 9:00 am. We will meet at the Joseph Yost’s Property, 48193 Lyons Mill City Drive, Mill City, OR 97360. Proposals will not be accepted from contractors that do not attend the pre-proposal conference and site preview.
Snake Creek Large Wood Placement Proposals should be sent to the North Santiam Watershed Council c/o Rebecca McCoun-Travers via email at council@northsantiam.org, or mailed to or dropped off at 284 E. Water Street, Stayton, OR 97383- no later than Friday, August 15, 2014. Questions about this RFP should be directed to Rebecca McCoun-Travers at (503) 930-8202.
The work consists of, but is not limited to, the following items: grading of eroding streambanks, planting willow clumps, and installation of ballasted large wood for fish habitat.
All proposals shall be submitted on the Proposal Form provided. No proposal for a construction contract shall be received or considered unless the Proposer is registered with the Construction Contractors Board as required by ORS Chapter 701.
RFP Documents: