We hope that you will find many different ways to explore and enjoy the North Santiam Watershed. We think it’s one of the more beautiful and engaging watersheds in Oregon. Of course, we’re biased.
Even if we are biased, some of these places are pretty cool. During the hottest days of summer, the swimming at Opal Pool is pretty good. And there’s something special about the Canyon Life Museum in Mill City.
Standing on the Detroit Dam, 463 feet above the North Santiam River, always gives me a tinge of vertigo. Of, course, the dam has probably had the single greatest impact on the nature of the river and on all it’s communities from Detroit to Salem.

Our hope is that once you’ve experienced the magic of Opal Creek, learned a little history in Mill City Canyon, or stood on the high wall of the Detroit Dam, that you’ll understand why we’re pulling together to make the changes that will help ensure that our children, and their children will inherit a North Santiam Watershed that’s healthy, a land that’s productive, and neighbors who care to make a difference.
And we hope you’ll decide to join us, if only for a moment, in our love for this river and these lands. And we hope you’ll do a little something today that helps make the North Santiam a better place.