Regional Partnership “Confluence User of the Year”

The North Santiam, South Santiam and Calapooia Watershed Councils have been awarded Confluence User of the Year. As a participant of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation’s Willamette Model Watershed Program, funded by Meyer Memorial Trust, the councils were provided with a software tool to manage and report on their watershed restoration activities. Their mission — “Thinking and collaborating regionally to build capacity to work locally” – emphasizes collaboration in order to efficiently direct their boots and shovels on the ground.
Regional Projects Coordinator Lance Wyss led the Confluence implementation that produced active users within the Calapooia Watershed Council, the North Santiam Council and the South Santiam Council. All three were already sharing staff and other resources to help achieve their collective restoration goals. The Confluence software has further increased their restoration program delivery and effectiveness.
So congratulations to Calapooia, South Santiam and North Santiam Watershed Councils . We applaud their vision of clean, healthy waters and riparian forests, recovered and diverse native species, increasingly connected floodplains, as well as stable economies and communities to sustain them. In 2013, they provided a great example of how the application of technology can enhance efforts to improve our natural lands.
Willamette Model Watershed program funder:
Meyer Memorial Trust
Willamette Model Watershed program manager:
Bonneville Environmental Foundation
Confluence software developer:
Sitka Technology Group
Email Notice Received from Damon Hess on 1-10-14
Sitka Technology Group
Portland, OR
What is Confluence? Click link for more information: Confluence