Author: NSWC

Upcoming Public Meetings: Willamette National Forest Road Management Discussions

Upcom­ing pub­lic meet­ings where vis­i­tors and res­i­dents of the North San­tiam Canyon can share their thoughts and pri­or­i­ties about road man­age­ment on the Willamette National For­est and the Detroit Ranger Dis­trict.   Date: Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 6, 2014 Time: 10:00 am – noon, Detroit City Hall, 160 Detroit Ave N, Detroit Ore­gon Pre­sen­ta­tion at 10:00am, open house…
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NSWC Request for Proposals

The North Santiam Watershed Council is seeking proposals for the Snake Creek Large Wood Placement Project. A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held on-site on Wednesday, August 13th at 9:00 am.  We will meet at the Joseph Yost’s Property, 48193 Lyons Mill City Drive, Mill City, OR 97360.  Proposals will not be accepted from contractors that do not…
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Soil Health Workshop

PLEASE JOIN US!!! A growing number of America’s farmers are using soil health management systems to improve the health and function of their soil—and we’re working hand-in-hand to provide technical assistance programs and services to help ensure soil health and its associated benefits! Yamhill, Marion and Polk County SWCDs will be hosting the event at the…
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2014 Spring Weed Workshop

Thanks to all those who came out to the Stay­ton Com­mu­nity Cen­ter on Sat­ur­day, May 17th to learn about nox­ious weeds found in the North San­tiam Water­shed! The Weed Work­shop was hosted by the North San­tiam Water­shed Coun­cil, the Mar­ion Soil and Water Con­ser­va­tion Dis­trict, and the Mar­ion County Weed Con­trol Dis­trict. Lunch was catered…
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Stayton Boy Scout Troop helps remove English Ivy at Niagara County Park

On  May 17, 2014 nine  Boy Scouts from Troop 50 and five of their parents volunteered their Saturday afternoon to  assist the North Santiam Watershed Council remove  English Ivy from the Niagara County Park. The North Santiam Watershed Council would like to thank the following individuals: Sebastian Baker Brady Borman Brent Boyd Ryan Boyd Benjamin…
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OHA Deer and Elk Habitat Restoration Event in the Breitenbush Watershed

Oregon Hunter’s Association Capital Chapter 2014 Detroit Power Line Habitat Restoration Event Thank you to everyone who came out and volunteered for the 2014 Detroit Power Line Habitat Restoration Event. 2014 Power Line Accomplishment Report Restoration Activities Included: Fertilization of natural meadows Re-seeding existing meadows Cleaning up garbage dump sites Meadow brush encroachment maintenance 2014…
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Niagara County Park Ivy Pull – Pictures

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CAME OUT TO HELP PULL IVY!!! Click link below to find out why English Ivy is not good for our Oregon Parks: The North Santiam Watershed Council will be holding future volunteer Ivy Pull events at the Niagara, Packsaddle and Minto Marion County Parks. All three parks have English…
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4th Annual North Santiam Basin Summit

  The North Santiam Watershed Council and the City of Salem Present: The Fourth Annual North Santiam Basin Summit April 18, 2014 (9 am to 3 pm – Lunch Provided) Marion County Public Works Department5155 Silverton Road, NESalem, OR  97305 RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY RSVP   Meeting Materials Below: April 18, 2014 NS Summit Agenda North…
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Councils Represented at the Small Woodlands Association Seedling Sale

Lance Wyss, Regional Projects Coordinator, represented the North Santiam, South Santiam, and Calapooia Watershed Councils at a Seedling Sale held by the Linn County Chapter of Oregon Small Woodlands Association on Saturday, Februay 15th, 2014.  The event took place at the Linn County Fair and Expo Center in Albany, where Wyss hosted a booth with informational…
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At Pamelia creek

Regional Partnership “Confluence User of the Year”

The North Santiam, South Santiam and Calapooia Watershed Councils have been awarded Confluence User of the Year. As a participant of the Bonneville Environmental Foundation’s Willamette Model Watershed Program, funded by Meyer Memorial Trust, the councils were provided with a software tool to manage and report on their watershed restoration activities. Their mission — “Thinking and collaborating…
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Water Quality Monitoring in Tributaries of the North Santiam

Eric Anderson, the Regional Monitoring Coordinator for the North Santiam, South Santiam and Calapooia Watershed Councils provided the North Santiam Watershed Council with an annual update on the water quality monitoring efforts taking place in the North Santiam. Since November of 2012, Eric has been sampling ambient water quality conditions in four tributaries to the…
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